Saturday, August 09, 2008

The Dark Knight

I went to watch the Dark Knight yesterday, after the advice of a friend.
Globally, it was a pleasant action movie, but nothing breath-taking. The Joker is truly frightening and insane. Batman tries very hard to have conscience issues, but it's not very convincing, and I think that is the main problem of the movie. It's hard to see the dark side of the dark knight.
The story is mostly an excuse to pass a certain number of messages inspired by the events of 9/11 and the Iraq war:
- Terrorists are irrational (the Joker is insane)
- You don't negotiate with terrorists (you don't give in to the insane demands of the Joker)
- Your honor will suffer in your fight against evil (the dark knight stuff)
- It is OK to listen to everyone's mobile phone, provided there are safeguards
- It is OK to lie to the public in order to maintain morale (the lie about Two Face)

I suspect the movie targets US soldiers returning from Iraq and their relatives. Whatever bad is said in the media about them, and whatever their conscience may tell them, they can feel reassured that they did the right thing.

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